AILab was founded as Speechlab in 1994 by prof. Jan Nouza who has been working in the field of speech processing since his university studies in 1980s. In the 90s, the focus was on dictation of isolated words dictated in the Czech language. At the turn of the millennium, the attention shifted towards continuous speech recognition. Subsequently, models for other slavic languages were trained and related speech processing tasks came into consideration, such as speaker indentification, diarization (the problem of who spoke when) or language identification.
Finally, image data were processed in tasks such as object/person detection. Since all aforementioned tasks are solved using the principles of artificial intelligence, the name of the lab was finally broadened into AILab.
Since 1996, the team participated in more than 15 large research projects supported by Czech research grant agencies (GACR and TACR), or by Czech ministries (e.g. Ministry of Education, Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Culture). The lab was active in several European COST (Cooperation in Science and Technology) projects as well. The recent projects are listed here and the older projects can be found using the the original Speechlab webpage.